UNIJIA International Student Apartment has been in operation for 8 years, welcoming nearly 10,000 young people from over 190 countries and regions. They have left beautiful memories at UNIJIA. After three years of the pandemic, we still believe that our pursuit of a better life is always the same.


In this year’s welcome session, firstly, Officer Zhao Xin and Officer Jin Yu from Hongkou District Immigration Office shared with us the laws and regulations and safety guidelines that we need to pay attention to when we come to China to study and live.

随后由UNIJIA 代表—沈珊珊女士为国际青年们介绍UNIJIA 2024年上半年活动,活动将围绕青年发展、多元文化融入、ESG公益与公益三大主题展开。
Sylvia from UNIJIA, then introduced international youth to the first half of UNIJIA 2024, where the event will focus on a number of themes, including youth development, multicultural integration, and ESG philanthropy and charity.